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April 14, 2015 3 min read

So Much to Learn Using the Best Board Games for Speech Therapy!

I always like to use regular speech language games whenever possible in my Speech Therapy Practice – so I thought it would be good to share some of the best board games for speech therapy that I’ve tested! I think using regular games helps kids to feel less singled out, and it’s usually cheaper than buying specialist resources.

Board games have long been a staple of childhood development. There’s a host of academic functions being put to use when our children play board games.

Whether it’s reading the cards for the next clue or drawing crazy pictures to describe a word or sentence, the best board games for speech therapy all have a little bit of educational value tucked inside the good-hearted competition of the game.

Youngsters are encouraged to recognize numbers on the dice and put their counting skills to use as they count of the number of paces they can move. Many popular board games let us put more of our math skills to use to count up all our money and see who’s winning!

Board games are also great for developing your child’s social skills and manners. Every child will at some point have an absolute meltdown if they don’t win, but eventually, they will come to terms with fair play, honesty, and the value of playing just for fun. Learning to take turns, share, and to be a good sport all come from a night of playing games with the family.

Some of the best board games for speech therapy on the market today are the same ones you played when you were a kid. You will probably recognize some of the names below.

(And check out these great speech language games for middle-schoolers!)

Best Board Games for Speech Therapy: Used And Loved By SLPs!

Rory’s Story Cubes – The player throws the dice and must make up a story that incorporates all the pictures.

Rory’s Story Cubes Actions – Work as a standalone game or can be added to the original Rory’s Story Cubes to double the fun.

Scattegories Categories – Adaptable game based on listing words in a particular topic, starting with a given letter.

Don’t Say It – Guessing game that encourages the use of descriptive language.

Taboo – Get your team to say the Guess Word at the top of your card by giving them clues, without saying any of the banned ‘Taboo’ words

Headbandz – Children use yes/no questions to guess the identity of the card they’ve been dealt.

Guess Who – Players use yes/no questions to identify the character their opponent has.

Crocodile Dentist – Try to take out all the crocodile’s teeth without being the player to trap their finger when his jaws spring shut.

Jenga Game for Speech Therapy – Take turns to take a block from somewhere on the tower and place it on the top, building higher and higher, until the tower collapses.

Pop Up Pirate – Take turns to push the plastic swords into the slots in the sides of the barrel until the pirate “pops” out.