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Quick and Easy Articulation Kit - Deluxe

What if your Articulation Therapy Sessions could be easy to prep and plan (and fun too)!?

Does this sound familiar?
  • You need to put together a “quick” home packet for your families but an hour later you are still searching for resources to print or email?
  • You have students who are in therapy for the long haul and you have nothing new to show them? The kids are bored and so are you!
  • It looks like you are a teletherapist now (thanks 2020!) and so many of your favorite resources don’t work clearly on screen?
  • You have mixed groups with different goals, only a few minutes to work with each student?

 It’s time to make Artic Therapy the easy part of being an SLP so you can get back to serving your students in all those other important ways!The Quick & Easy Artic Kit is the complete set up for exciting, engaging, ready-in-a-moment sessions that WORK!

 The Artic Deluxe Kit includes:

  • 420 Color Articulation Cards
  • 420 B&W Articulation Cards
  • 24 Articulation Word Lists
  • 144 Roll & Color Worksheets
  • 144 Articulation Dot sheets
  • 72 Articulation Bracelets
  • Feed the Monkey Game
  • Articulation Bingo Kit
  • 28 Articulation Gameboards
  • 50 Articulation Notebook Templates
  • 6 Articulation Notebook Cover Designs
  • 24 Articulation Flipbooks

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