July 23, 2018 2 min read
How Can I Keep it Simple Using Speech Therapy Notebooks?
For the past 4 years, the most popular printable products for Speech Therapy in my Teaching Talking store are my range of Speech Therapy Notebook packets.
Thousands of SLPs have used them as a tool for therapy in schools and in the clinic setting. They are versatile and suit the Therapist who is working 1;1 as well as those handing mixed groups.
To read more about getting started with Speech Therapy Notebooks, you can head over to the first post in this series.
But today I wanted to take some time to address a question that I am frequently asked…
“Doesn’t it take a lot of time to do all that cutting and sticking?”
The simple answer is no, it doesn’t! But I’ll explain further.
A Speech Therapy Notebook can be as simple or as complicated as you choose to make it. I think those who imagine it will be time-consuming and fiddly, have a picture in mind of complicated foldables with many flaps and complex assembly required.
Those style of notebook materials do exist and for middle / high schoolers with good concentration levels and age-appropriate fine motor skills, an “interactive” notebook in that style can be an object of pride and wonder!
But don’t let those Pinterest worthy examples put you off. At its most basic, a notebook is a place to store the therapy worksheets you use all year. You may choose to send them home weekly or you may keep them to show at meetings and for end of year review.
Somewhere in the middle of these two extremes is the sweet spot where my notebook materials sit.
I have created a full range of speech and language notebook printables, suitable for use from preschool through elementary (and for lower functioning students in later grades).
Most of the activities are low prep/easy cut, (especially those designed for preschoolers). In most cases, the notebook page will require no more prep than a standard worksheet but the end result is something just a little bit special!
And there lies the magic of Speech Therapy Notebooks. Students create a week by week project to be proud of. They are delighted to show their completed page to a teacher or parent. In doing so you create a natural process for home practice where instead of homework being a chore, the student is eager to show and demonstrate his or her work.
All of my Speech Therapy Notebook packets are available to purchase in my TPT store here. You may also wish to consider joining my Notebooks Club, a subscription service where members receive new, themed packets each month via a special “Members only” portal on my site. To read more about the benefits of club membership, click here.
Learn even more about Interactive Notebooks by clicking the links below:
Speech Therapy Notebooks FAQs for Speech Pathologists
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